Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Crew

The Crew
KNF Archies:

The South Kaibab National Forest Archaeologist and my boss, Neil has worked in the KNF for about twenty-one years. A Grinnell alum, Neil has had Grinnell interns for a number of summers and has worked with the GRINNELLINK program since its inception.
Also a South Kaibab National Forest Archaeologist, Erin often works as a liaison with the different Native American Tribes. Her second full-time job is keeping Neil on his toes, a task at which she excels.

My fellow intern, Yelena is given to hilarious and witty turns of phrase and is a whiz on all things China. She’s looking into environmental studies at Grinnell.

A student at the University of Arizona, Joel is from Second Mesa, Hopi, and is from the Spider Clan. Joel makes delicious fry bread, suffered through a lot of my questions about Hopi, and frequently made Neil’s day by giving us all piki bread.

After working as an intern last year, Noah just couldn’t get enough and returned this summer as a STEP employee. Also a Grinnellian (we only travel in droves), Noah is majoring in anthropology and imparted many a wise word.

A native of Williams, Travis is an archaeology graduate student at Ole’ Miss. His thesis focuses on different archaeological sites found in the KNF and postulates that these settlements are in certain locations in order to see other villages and important features of the landscape. Travis has been known to say things like “buzz-worm,” “lurpee,” and “boys n’ berries.”
KNF Bios:


A Brown County lad and graduate of Indiana University, Joe is one of the first KNF Wildlife Biologist interns. A scuba-enthusiast, Joe has previously done archaeology work on a sunken pirate ship in the Dominican Republic. Fulfilling his wanderlust, Joe will be working in a forest in northern California before departing for Micronesia to do bird surveys.

A proud Cackalackian and cribbage player, Quentin, also one of the first KNF Wildlife Biologist interns, is currently a graduate student at the University of Tennessee. Q is an avid birder, biker, and arguer: the perfect trifecta.

Photos: 1. Yelena, me, Travis, Neil, Noah, Joel and Erin 2. Quentin and Joe

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